Yuri Gripas/Abaca/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Letter to POTUS: Requesting for Immediate Review of U.S. Position Regarding Israel’s Actions

Joseph Biden
Office of the President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President,

I trust this correspondence finds you well. As a custodian of justice within the judiciary, I am compelled
to bring to your attention a matter of grave concern that requires immediate consideration and decisive

The ongoing situation involving our nation’s support for Israel, which is actively engaged in the
commission of genocide against the Palestinian people, demands urgent scrutiny at the highest levels of
our government. The gravity of the reported loss of lives, particularly the distressing toll on children,
calls for a thorough examination of the implications of our current stance.

Our constitutional obligations, as outlined in the preamble, mandate the promotion of the general
welfare and the securing of the blessings of liberty for ourselves and future generations. The acts of
genocide perpetrated by Israel stand in stark contradiction to these fundamental principles,
necessitating a profound reassessment of our nation’s position.

Federal laws, including the Genocide Convention Implementation Act of 1987, underscore the United
States’ commitment to preventing and punishing the crime of genocide. The Nuremberg Principles,
enshrined in the aftermath of World War II, articulate the individual responsibility of government
officials for crimes against peace and humanity, reinforcing our duty to hold accountable those
responsible for acts of genocide.

In the context of our support for Israel, it is critical to consider potential violations of the Leahy Law,
which prohibits assistance to foreign security forces involved in gross human rights violations. As we
confront this deeply troubling situation, I implore you to lead a comprehensive review and reassessment
of our nation’s position, ensuring that our actions align with the highest legal and moral standards.
Mr. President, the severity of the circumstances demands a resolute commitment to justice and a
principled approach to safeguarding human rights. I respectfully urge you to take prompt and decisive
action to address this matter, reinforcing our nation’s commitment to the values that define us as a
beacon of democracy.

Thank you for your attention to this pressing issue. I remain at your disposal to provide any assistance
deemed necessary to address the legal and ethical dimensions of our current position.


Muslim-American GOP